A Busy Day Driving

Today we head to I-90 and back to our trek eastward. We'll eventually take a short detour to the north to De Smet, SD. That's right, all day driving and we still won't make it out of South Dakota. We managed to cram in a lot to see on this portion of the drive, so there are lots of pictures.

We can't resist all the advertising along I-90 for Wall Drug. We've been reading these signs since before Mt. Rushmore. So we'll have to stop. Besides, they have free ice water!

Back to the highway, and a bit later, we make a short detour. This detour is well worth it. Badlands National Park is a site to behold. There is something fascinating in the beauty of desolation. It's about a 40 minute drive through the park stopping at most of the vista points for pictures.

We return to the I-90 after Badlands National Park. A few hours later it's time for another rest stop. On the east side of the Missouri river is the Lewis and Clark rest stop. It's a rest stop that has a museum of the Lewis and Clark expedition, specifically focusing on the several days that they stopped at Plum Camp, which is now Chamberlain, SD.

Finally, we make it to the point where we turn north towards De Smet. But who can resist the great tourist attraction in Mitchell, SD; The Corn Palace! I think the pictures express the excitement of this stop.

Have your figured out the attraction of De Smet, SD? 

De Smet, SD is where Caroline and Charles Ingalls finally settled. Of course the Ingalls are the parents Laura Ingalls Wilder, the author of the Little House on the Prairie series of books. Specifically, De Smet is mentioned in The Little Town on the Prairie.

We are camping at the Ingall's Homestead for the next two nights. We will spend the whole day here tomorrow exploring the homestead and the life of the Homesteaders of the 1890's.

We have a late dinner while we watch the fireworks off in the distance. 

Audio Books: Alan Alda's Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself

Books finished: Josie finished Twilight.

11 hours travel time for 404 miles (we are now in the central time zone, 12 hours travel time with the time change).