Fourth Of July on the Ingalls Homestead

We spent the day enjoying the activities of the Ingalls Homestead in De Smet, SD. We started with the hay covered barn that had a calf and cow and some chickens. 

Then we moved on to Ma's House. Ma's house was built in three different sections. At the start all 6 of the Ingalls family lived in 140 square feet.

After Ma's house we went to the barn. Upstairs was a litter of 1 week old kittens. Later, we went on a covered wagon ride and the girls were able the drive the team of horses.

At the school house the girls learned what a day at school was like for children of the homesteaders. Do you know the answer to this Mother Goose Rhyme? 

In marble walls as white as milk
Lined with skin as soft as silk
Within a fountain crystal clear
A golden apple doth appear
No doors there are to this stronghold
Yet thieves break in and steal the gold.

Back to the barn, and next door to Flindt's Garage for some crafts of the period. We made rope, ground wheat, and made corn cob dolls. 

Later on we took a walk into the prarie to the old shanty in the distance. 

The rest of the day was spent making new friends and exploring the homestead.

In the evening we ate popcorn and watched fireworks from the campsite. The fireworks were at the high school in De Smet about 5 miles away.