Marilyn's Monster! It is about 1/3 stitched. I estimate it will be stitching out for about 6 hours today. It's a biggun'. As it is stitching away, I'm cleaning up my craft room. Had to.... Teacher for local Community College asked me to send my paperwork in. Paperwork I printed about a month ago and never filled out to mail. Now I need to find it. I volunteered to drive for Dr Muick's Environmental Science field trips last year. We own a 12 passenger van (no bigger than an 8, just with an extra seat for 4 in the back) and I love to offer it up to group events (robotics team, volleyball team, square dancing, prom). Yes, some college students don't drive. My daughter being one of them. She knows I love the opportunity to drive groups and asked if I could drive for the class. This being an Environmental Science class, taking as many students as possible in one vehicle just fits. Many students who do drive took us up on the offer to carpool. I really enjoyed the trips and learned a bunch too. Some of the locations were parks that I already volunteer for, so I was able to contribute a bit. So, this year we will make it official. I'll be an official volunteer at college, paperwork and everything. I've been volunteering in my kids' classes since the college student was 28 months old. Its just what I do....
In the context of cleaning up my craft room, this last weekend I made this. It is a purse made from my husband's worn out shorts.
I had already made this denim one from a pair of jeans I bought at the thrift store for $3, but it was too big. Even with all the pockets, I was losing stuff in the big compartment. And the straps did not slide as easily as I would like. When hubby asked if I wanted to use the shorts for anything, I could see the possibilities. Those cargo pockets called to me. I used the front cargo pockets which were attached to the regular pockets. Makes four pockets front and back on the purse. Used a flap from the back pocket to make a closure for the top. Cut the back in strips for the strap. I prefer a backpack to a bag, but this will do until I get my quilted backpack made. How does that relate to cleaning my craft room? The shorts were on my work table. Rather than find a place to stow them away until I got around to making the purse, I spent Father's Day making a purse.
Its okay though. He was napping in his father's day gift.