Memory Quilts

At the end of December 2009, my stamping friend Amy contacted me and asked if I was still making quilts.  Her husband had passed away suddenly early December.  She asked if I would make three quilts for her from his clothes.  These quilts would be for her and her two daughters so they could always have him wrapped around them.  I told her I would be honored.


These have been almost a year in the making and they are now complete and in the arms of the people who need them most.

This is Amy's quilt.  When Amy brought me Matty's clothes, she had a story for each shirt and pair of jeans or shorts.  Certain pieces were to go in certain quilts, some pieces needed to go into all of the quilts.


This one is E's quilt.  See that brown plaid?  E bought that brown plaid shirt for Daddy.

I left pants pockets unquilted so the girls could put special things in them.

As soon as E saw her quilt, she wrapped up in it and wouldn't let go.  The smile on her face showed how much comfort these quilts offer.


This is L's quilt.  L was 4 months old when her daddy passed.  The Stella Artois polo shirt was the shirt Matty wore when L was born.

Now Amy has a story board for all the memories she can share with L.

I am so honored to have been able to make these quilts for Amy and her girls.  Thank you Amy for entrusting me with your heart.