It has been over a month since I last blogged. Where do I start? Is it easiest to start from the present and work your way back?

Class last week at Guild. Thoroughly Modern, taught by Diane. Finished the top in class. Quilted it up this weekend. Had great fun doing all different kinds of straight line ruler work, also Diane's idea.
Girlfriends came for a quilting weekend. Made these two quilts for co-workers expecting babies, Earthy Bargello and Amish Stripes. Only made the tops while girlfriends were here, quilted them up this last week. Also almost finished a QOV top, but I don't have pics of that one yet.
Julie made this Fractured Circles top while she was here and I quilted it for her before she left.
Arlene almost finished her Fractured Circles top while she was here. She'll put it in the mail for me to quilt as soon as it is done.

Made this Memo Board just before the girlfriends arrived. Holds all the postcards for the upcoming Quilt Shows, of course!

Finished Quilt for Coach. Will deliver at end of volleyball season gathering.
I have been quilting customer quilts, Binkys, and community service quilts too. A bunch of quilting going on here. Field trips (work) start again this week, so I will be backing off the quilting just a bit. But not too much!