Made this one entirely on a 1909 Singer 28 Handcrank sewing machine. Started at a TOGA in April just to get using my 'newest' machine. It didn't have a destination. Continued working on it while camping in our Aframe trailer when I helped daughter move into dorm at school at Humboldt. She mentioned after first night in dorm that she was cold and none of her quilts/blankets were long enough. Dorms have XL twins, which works great for her at 5'10" tall, but not so great for regular twin size quilts. Went back to trailer and kept stitching away. This quilt now had a destination. Added a few more rows and the quilt fits nicely on her bed. Oh, also used washable wool batting for the first time in this quilt. It is very humid up there, so the wool will help keep her warm AND dry.
Quilted with Hearts One
September 2013